Our thinking | Marketplace and digital platforms

Searching for value at your convenience

A few years ago an organisation could sell to any prospect by pitching to them on the phone or in-person. However, things are changing as customers change. Now, most sales start from online engagements.

Customers are constantly evolving in the way they research and buy products and services. Today, they expect relevant interactions anytime, anywhere and on the device of their choice.

Organisations need to adapt to the ever-changing needs of their customers. The traditional method of having people on the ground is not a fully effective sales and marketing strategy in the digital era.

Leaders must embrace digital transformation and evolve their traditional sales and marketing efforts to incorporate digital platforms as communication and distribution channels.

What is a digital platform?

A digital platform is a place where an exchange of information, goods or services occurs between an organisation and the customer. This can be from an organisation’s own digital platform or a rented digital platform.

An organisation’s own digital platforms include its email, website, online store, and web or mobile applications. Rented platforms include search engines, social media and digital marketplaces.

The myth of digital sales and marketing

Customers want the convenience of communicating and purchasing through the channel of their choice. However, organisations that have established a successful in-person sales model are reluctant to change.

The challenge many organisations face when transforming their trusted traditional sales and marketing channels is the belief that digital platforms are for business-to-consumer organisations only.

For those who are willing to have a conversation and explore digital platforms, there is a lack of knowledge about how to approach them, where to start, and how to incorporate them into their overall sales and marketing strategy.

These are some of the ways you can do this:


Whatever the size of your operations, a website gives your organisation an online presence to show your customers how you can solve their challenges in the most convenient way possible.


Implementing a portal for your customers, resellers and distributors enables your organisation to share account information and sales and marketing collateral that is targeted to the user.


Through e-Commerce, customers and partners can purchase your products or services online. E-Commerce minimises human interaction and maximises your sales and marketing process automation.

Social media

Social media can be used to sell products or reach out to prospective customers by engaging them in a more personal and authentic manner. You can also use them to answer questions and receive post-sales feedback.

Search engines

Through these, prospects and customers search for information before reaching out to a sales representative. Use organic and paid searches to make your products or services stand out across all search engines.

Digital marketplace

With a digital marketplace, you can reach more customers in new territories, easily upload and manage your entire catalogue, and keep track of all orders in one digital platform.

What’s in it for you?

Digitalising your sales and marketing channels will help differentiate your organisation in a crowded market, grow your revenue and improve profitability.

Mapping and tracking the customer journey will deliver insights into who is buying your product or service, how to make their purchase journey easier, and how to deliver information to them.

Creating or renting a digital platform helps your organisation improve the customer experience by personalising recommendations based on data analytics and creating a self-service digital environment.

Digital platforms also help you to automate your sales process. A mix of artificial intelligence, marketing automation and robotic process automation will streamline processes and administrative tasks, and enhance the customer experience.

Final thoughts

With customers more connected than ever, they now demand a new level of involvement and support from an organisation, starting from the first contact to post sale. It's their journey that dictates your digital strategy.

Organisations must get the customer experience right to succeed in the digital era. In order to keep up with the always-connected customer, your organisation must embrace digital transformation.

If you’re looking to move from where you are to where you need to be, get in touch with our consultants today to see how we can help you navigate your digital transformation journey.


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