Our thinking | Digital governance

Digital governance, one part of a whole

The role that digital technologies and data play in the way an organisation operates today is invaluable. This is one of the many benefits of digital transformation: a constant influx of data for leaders to use to make better decisions, faster.

However, this constant influx of data can lead to redundant and outdated information being available online, and sometimes to even more serious problems related to the misuse of customer data.

It’s important for organisations to develop best practices for digital governance to help with a digital presence and the management and sharing of the data collected from digital technologies, platforms and processes.

What is digital governance?

Digital governance is a system that leaders use to help the organisation establish roles, decision-making authority and accountability for the use of data and the digital presence of an organisation.

This system includes the rules, policies, processes and performance that define how the organisation uses data, digital technologies and services to create, communicate and deliver value.

Digital governance covers the digital presence across all digital platforms including search engines, marketplaces, social media, portals, applications, online stores, websites, email, and digital products or services.

The purpose of digital governance

Digital governance clearly outlines acceptable standards for what an organisation will allow and not allow in their activities on the internet. This ensures that an organisation performs its digital activities and management of data in an ethical manner to mitigate legal, compliance and operational risks.

Some of the guidelines that digital governance covers online are:

Brand identity - How the organisation keeps its message consistent and protects its brand online.

Content - How the organisation manages content and when and why it is appropriate to link to external content from other sources.

Intellectual property - How the organisation protects its intellectual property online.

Privacy - What steps the organisation must take to protect the privacy of employees, customers and partners.

Asset lifecycle - What the approval process for creating and retiring digital assets looks like.

Information security - How all employees should keep digital assets and data secure.

Cybersecurity - A detailed plan for how to prevent or manage cyber-attacks when they happen.

Social media - The rules on how employees use social media.

Best practices for digital governance

Digital strategy

The digital strategy provides the foundation for what the organisation aims to achieve with its digital presence. This needs to be inclusive of all teams in order to cover all the different perspectives of the organisation.

Digital standards

Standards help to protect the quality and consistency of an organisation’s digital presence. In order to be effective, the digital team must clearly define the performance and desired outcomes of the organisation’s digital presence.

Digital policy

A set of written statements that guide the organisation on how to manage risks. These should be simple and clear to ensure that employees, customers and partners understand them.

Digital processes

Digital workflows specify the steps that need to be taken to complete a task. It’s important to document the steps to make it easier for people to collaborate and keep everything consistent.

Digital governance team

Leaders and employees with the most digital skills and responsibilities, including IT, legal, marketing and brand, should be part of the digital governance team regardless of where they sit in the organisation.

Final thoughts

Technological advancements happen every day on a global scale. The challenge for most organisations is that their best practices for digital governance lag behind and do not evolve at the same pace.

Leaders must remain informed of the various regulations and policies that affect their industry and territories to ensure that their best practices for digital governance are continuously evolving.

If you’re looking to move from where you are to where you need to be, get in touch with our consultants today to see how we can help you navigate your digital transformation journey.


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